I knew few men who thought they are capable of marriage, get married, have children and then suddenly one fine morning realize- they are gay. They say, I cannot sleep with a woman. By this time, their experiments are over and they have a child or two. My first question is- how did the baby happen when they cannot do it? They call it pressure to satisfy. If they were under pressure and can make it once or twice, what stops them doing it forever- considering at least the byproduct-the children- they brought through this experiment . May be they feel they no longer can do it, their experimentation in life is over with a woman and they now realize the essence of their satisfaction in life is only a man. And the cost of their experimentation and later realization is- a mad woman and few children.
I read a fictitious story on the same lines today. I always liked this author's narration in his stories- though overly dramatic at times. But this one gave me a total sense of incompleteness. In this story the girl tries to get away from her husband because he is gay. The husband 'cares' for her but cannot 'love her completely'. This 'caring' but 'can't love you' theory is always a bit puzzling to me though I understand. But I cannot stop questioning why should the girl- with a ten month baby of theirs- be passive and try seek a divorce. By seeking divorce, the girl is not trying to get the gates open to meet her love needs. It is very uncertain. All she does by divorce is face the world for the rest of her life-in most probability, alone, with huge responsibility- answerable to the the child- for its future. In the meantime, the man of experiments goes free after he knew it went wrong. Gets freedom in the form of divorce. Pays for his sins in the form of alimony. Considers all that happened as a bad dream. Relocates to a new place (this is really what they do). Starts his life afresh. And if lucky- rejoins his lover(s).
If I were the author I would have somehow made an unimaginable twist where the freaky scientist never goes free from his experiment. Somehow the scientist- lives with his experiment- the guinea pig and the piglets, and yes, happily.
Thinking about it, I realize- when real life is experimented it becomes too much to ask even for normal living and happy endings could only be dreamt about, may be fine for fictitious stories.
Somewhere long time back I've read- 'If you want to experiment, let it be temporary'
So very true!
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