Every time I receive a forwarded message which reads anything close to- please forward it for the benefit of mankind or Indians or whatever, and that interests me- I will be first suspicious and won't trust the message. The message could be describing about a miraculous event or just some information unbelievable or great news, I will not believe it in the first instant. Right away I would google for the facts and almost every time I have found that the news is a hoax. Immediately after finding this out, I will reply the sender saying that was a hoax message. The sender would come to me and say 'Oh is it.. I didn't know. Sigh I've sent this to everyone...'. I would be waiting to hear that.
Why do I do this? These are pretty much innocent guys who would want to forward a nice good message believing it is true. They are really under the impression of helping others. Not their fault. But why am I not like these guys who would want to take it casually and leave it there. At least after finding that it is not true, I should tell them in person about it. I rather would reply the mail- usually reply to all if someone's name is in cc- and say, it is hoax and would attach links from the real source like hoax slayer websites etc. What am I doing here- showing off that I'm smarter and know everything?

I know this behaviour of mine is just one of those many - appalling qualitites in me, nurtured by my ego. I should rather start acknowledging it as Inflated Ego, as one my friend rightly calls it. I really wish I win this battle against it and free myself someday.
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